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"A Snow Ball" Winter Dance-Session 1 is Sold Out/LIMITED tickets available for Session 2!

"A Snow Ball" Winter Dance-Session 1 is Sold Out/LIMITED tickets available for Session 2!

"A Snow Ball" Winter Dance, February 21st- 5:30 and 7:30

Tickets will go on sale Monday, February 3rd at 10:00 a.mCLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS.

There will be two sessions for the dance. Session 1 is 5:30- 7:00 (SOLD OUT) and Session 2 is 7:30-9:00. This year's theme is "A Snow Ball" and is open to only current Heritage students and one adult guest. This dance serves as a chance to create a precious core memory with your student. We will have a DJ, professional photo booth and yummy refreshments (all included in ticket price). Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Please don't delay in purchasing tickets, both sessions sold out last year