Lakota Gifted Services is Providing Second Opportunity Cognitive Ability Testing
Lakota students completed whole grade testing for superior cognitive ability with the Inview assessment in 2nd, 4th and 5th grade in November. The Inview is a nationally normed test, with which a child can be identified as gifted cognitively, if the score is a 128 or higher.
Lakota Gifted Services provides second opportunity testing to meet the cognitive score requirement. We recommend second opportunity testing for all students that scored between 110-127, but any student is able to take advantage of second opportunity testing.
All previous testing information for your student can be found by accessing Home Access Center (HAC), and on the left hand side of the pane you will see “Tests”. This can provide you information on the Inview score and all other testing your student has completed.
The testing will occur this April, during the school day. If you would like to request this opportunity, please complete the Gifted Identification Request by March 14th.
- gifted
- testing