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students with heritage has heart shirts

Welcome to Heritage Early Childhood School!

At Heritage, we believe that all students can be successful. As a staff, we strive to provide a positive environment and challenging learning experiences centered on strong relationships with all members of our learning community.

Heritage is one of six early childhood schools in Lakota and serves approximately 600 students in grades kindergarten through second grade.  We have a very diverse population and celebrate our differences.  Our teachers are very passionate about providing students with learning opportunities that challenge them.

Along with our PTO, we provide many different opportunities for our families to become involved, whether it be by volunteering in the classroom to provide an after-school program or supporting one of the many different PTO activities.  We value the partnership between the school and home.

We look forward to a great year at Heritage ECS!


brick building with trees and parking lot in front
5052 Hamilton-Mason Road
Liberty Township
FAX 513-887-5483 | Attendance: 513-887-5485

Ben Schneider

Assistant Principal

Chelsea Nichols


Dawn Hill

Hours of Operation
Office 8:20 AM - 4:30 PM

Grades K-2
9:10 AM - 4:00 PM